Ted and Norah open their home yet again to host the 2017 Oasis Skateboard Factory Grad night. As they were in their usual Maui summer location, Chris Burns and the Roarockit staff held it down and the night was a huge success! People flooded their Millwood house from far and wide to watch 13 kids graduate and to set a new Oasis Skateboard Factory record!
Roarockit's Social Media expert and photographer Jonathan Nuss was on the scene making sure to capture all the emotion.
The night ended with nothing but smiles and sunshine as these amazing kids set out into the world! Oasis Skateboard Factory yet again has another successful year. We congratulate them all!
Want to see more photos? Please check them out here on Roarockit's Facebook Fanpage.
Want to learn more about Oasis Skateboard Factory or become a student? Please check them out here on the their website.