Hi Grant, how are you today? Can you tell me a little about yourself?
I was born and raised in North Western Kansas; where I currently reside.
I have been a lifelong lover of learning, creating, and working with my hands. I am mostly a self-taught person. I have been playing guitar since I was kid and have always loved to work on and modify whatever I was into, whether it be guitars, motorcycles, bikes, cars, or whatever.
This hands-on approach continued on into my adult years where I gained more varied skills with a variety of professions and hobbies. It all came together perfectly when I got into making guitars as a winter pastime and I have been enjoying the ride!
What got you into woodworking and lutherie? How long have you been building?
I started making guitars two years ago. I had just started playing guitar again after some years of not playing and borrowed a friend's Telecaster and I said "Oh, this is cool, I should get one of these... No! I'll make one!" When I got home with the guitar, instead of playing it I started tracing and measuring it. Then I started practicing on some old pine that was in the shop, and did research on YouTube.
Once I had things figured out, I made two guitars, and they turned out excellent. When friends and family saw them, I started getting requests to make them one. Things just kept growing from there as more people saw my creations and I put it on social media to gauge the interest. Interestingly, I had no previous woodworking experience - but I do have a large background in metal fabrication, auto-body, electrical, construction, and pretty much any other hands-on trade. So, I was well equipped going into this to solve problems, design, use machinery, and perform the hands-on tasks.
How do you use Roarockit products to create your guitars? Tell us more about the process! How did you find out about us?
I use the vacuum bags for my glue-ups. Primarily in situations where I am laminating thin wood to a body or to put thin veneers in-between a top and body. I also use the bag for gluing tops onto bodies where there is more complex curvature to the body for the arm contour. In these cases it's hard to get clamps to follow the contour of the body - so the bag is perfect because it can conform to pretty much any surface shape, giving perfect uniform clamping. The uniform clamping pressure is even more evident when laminating thin veneers. I still have to try the bags for gluing on the fretboard. I'm planning on a second bag for that purpose soon.
I believe I found out about you from Maximum Guitar Works' YouTube channel in a video where he was gluing tops onto some Strats using the templates he sells.
What inspires you to create your pieces?
I think most of my creativity comes from my actual work making guitars. I am constantly learning so I think that inspires new ideas and methods and things I want to try. At other times I may see a piece of wood I like and get an idea. Or I think of a playing niche I would like to make a guitar for. When someone comes to me with an idea for a guitar it is always an idea I wouldn't have thought of. I have found that working on ideas that others come up with will also inspire new directions I want to explore. I find learning and the creative process the most enjoyable part of it all.
What are your thoughts on working with our products? Are there any tips you can give to aspiring builders out there?
I do most of my glue-ups in the evening before the day is done. So I keep the bag in my house, away from dust and debris. This helps keep the sealing tape clean and functioning well. Same with the valve. Another tip is to really stay vigilant on your pressure during the "open" stage of your adhesive. With large, thick pieces of wood like guitar bodies, you can see the vacuum drop in that first 15 minutes or so as all of the air leaves the wood - so it is critical to monitor that to ensure you have maximum pressure on the workpiece from a good vacuum while the adhesive is setting. After that window, I find the bag holds its vacuum overnight. I will probably upgrade to a mechanical pump soon so that it will be automated.
If people wanted to find out more about your work, where can they see your creations and contact you?
The best way to see my work and get a hold of me would be through my social media. My Instagram is @grantalanstewart and my Facebook page is Stewart Custom Guitars. You could also use my hashtag #stewartcustomguitars on either platform to find my work.
Thanks again for your time Grant, any last words for the readers back home?
Sure! Keep playing. Keep learning and creating and let that process inspire you. Feel free to go and check out my work and give me a follow, I would appreciate it! And get a Stewart Custom Guitar, because your other guitar sucks!!!
Taryn O’Grady,
Roarockit Skateboard Company